Organic Plum “Ume” Vinegar 250 ml

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“Umezu” (plum vinegar) is the vinegar of umeboshi or pickled plums from the salt and shiso fermentation of the plums. All ingredients are local.

Category: SKU: umezu 250 ml Tags:

“Umeboshi” (pickled plum) vinegar is not only delicious, it is also therapeutic and dietary. It is the juice from the preparation of umeboshi. Umeboshi is ume pickled (tsukemono) in salt (shiozuke, a type of tsukemono that pickles through salt). Purple shiso leaves (akajiso) are added to this mixture, with this we manage to improve its flavor, red color and its nutritional properties.

Once we like the flavor and we finish the fermentation, we extract the liquid to obtain the umeboshi vinegar (umezu) and let the ume dry for several days in the sun, until they are completely dry, extract the water, that is, Dehydrating the ume allows us to preserve them much longer and we also concentrate their beneficial properties. The conservation of ume is usually in glass pots, and has expiration dates that range from months to years, the drier and the more salt, the better and longer they are preserved.

In Japan it is very commonly used as a home remedy to cure colds, but it is also worth noting that

alkalizes the blood, thanks to its citric acid, which helps break down lactic acid.
Fights fatigue, thanks in part to regulating blood acidity.
Helps reduce cholesterol.
As a good probiotic, it helps digestion, whets the appetite and raises the immune system.
And it helps fight hangovers with interesting benefit.